19 July 2013

Top Five Friday: The Art of Penmanship

To call that writing, madam, is an insult to quills and ink across the world.
~ Julia Quinn, To Catch an Heiress


ood thing I didn’t sign up for another blog challenge this month; between my trip to Alaska and my trip to the emergency room, I’ve been falling down on my 31 Days of Letters challenge!

But I have some down time this weekend, so maybe I’ll make up for those lost days.

If you’ve been following me for at least the past few weeks, then you’ll have read my post on cursive writing.  And if you are among the truly cultured (ahem), then you may want to know, “Well, how can I expose my kids to cursive writing, or how can I improve my own handwriting?”  Today’s Top Five are links to either books or worksheets that deal with just that issue.

These printable worksheets are designed for kids, but adults can use them too.

This book is a reprint from an 18th century manual ~ I don’t know if there’s anything cooler than that!

I’ve always wanted to learn how to write in calligraphy.  My issue has always been ~ I need lines to write in a straight line.  Otherwise, my snail mail letters look like they were written in a zero-gravity chamber or after a rowdy night on the town ~ minus the incoherent sentences, of course.

Another penmanship book on my definitely-to-buy list.  My cursive writing is not bad, but I would love how to make the more elaborate curlicues of Spencerian handwriting.  And to think people used to learn this as we learn handwriting and typing today!

These are just gorgeous!  And you get to learn to types at once.  Well, you can never have too many books on the art of handwriting, I say!

Oremus pro invicem,
~ Mikaela
Let me know if you try any of these out and post the results on your blog!

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