04 October 2013

Top Five Friday: Autumn Writing Prompts

Fall has always been my favorite season.
The time when everything bursts with its last beauty,
as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.
~ Lauren DeStefano, Wither

In October, I am writing about all things autumnal: from art to spooky books, author interviews, recipes, and autumn-inspired writing prompts AND participating in the Two Pages-a-Day writing challenge.

celebrate the beginning of a new year nine to ten months later than everyone else.

January just yawns, snorts, and rolls over in dreamless hibernation.  But Autumn shouts “new beginning.”  The crisp air, the shortening days, the longer nights, and the changing leaves.  Not to mention, my favorite part of autumn: pumpkin everything.  It is a season of joy and peace.  Anyone who has ever sat in front of a bonfire or at a pig roast recognizes the feeling of contentment and peace conjured by the word autumn.

For today’s Top Five, I offer five writing prompts steeped in the essence of autumn.  Then choose one or all and post your creation on your blog or in the comments!

Take a walk in the woods or a park (that isn’t closed by the incompetence of Capitol Hill and the White House) and listen to the sounds of Mother Nature.  Write a poem incorporating those sounds.
Image credit: Pinterest

City Streets
Walk around the historic streets of your hometown, or closest city.  Write a short story that takes place on that street.

Character Sketch
Grab a cup of coffee or tea at your favorite mom and pop coffee shop and spend an hour people watching.  Write a character sketch based on your observations.

Essaying Fan Fiction
Read an essay by John Muir, Henry David Thoreau, or Ralph Waldo Emerson.  Now update it to reflect 21st century concerns. (You may be surprised how little has changed ~ sadly!)

Blind Appreciation
Using only the sense of smell and touch, describe autumn to someone who has never seen it.

Oremus pro invicem,
~ Mikaela

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