28 May 2013

The La Belle Daybook: Week of 27 May

The list could surely go on, and there is nothing more wonderful than a list, instrument of wondrous hypotyposis.
~ Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose

tarting in June, I will publish my Daybook posts on Sundays.  This week, however, I’m posting it on a Tuesday.

I was looking for another list of prompts, but my search, I found out that these prompts are part of a community daybook thing over at The Simple Woman’s Daybook.  So I joined to make it “official.” 


Outside my window...is an absolutely gorgeous day.   I plan to enjoy the mild weather as much as I can ~ the rest of the week , the temperatures will reach the 90s.

I am thinking...that there aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done.  Even if there were, I’m sure I’d find something fun to do in its place.

I am thankful...for kindred spirits.  My best friend is someone who always listens, never judges me, gives great advice when asked, can laugh at herself and the crazy world, and shares in quite a few of my passions.  I love you, Tika!

In the kitchen...are three trays of sour cherries and never enough sweet tea.

I am wearing...no hats today.  Slept in and didn’t have time to choose one.

I am creating...letters to three friends.

I am going...to another NGA concert Wednesday, and to help a friend move on Saturday.

I am wondering...what to plants in the bed I created around the perimeter of the patio.

I am reading...The Binding Spell by Christina Pope.   Just finished Twice Tempted and am in Night Huntress Series (Jeaneine Frost) withdrawal.  But maybe I need a break from vampires.

I am hoping...L.M. Montgomery said that “despair is a free man; hope is a slave.”  But I find, that if I have nothing to lose, my ennui gets worse.

I am looking forward to...seeing friends on Saturday and watching the new Star Trek movie (Benedict Cumberbatch!)

I am learning…that the most difficult person to truly forgive. . .is myself.

Around the house...there is waaaay too much clutter and it’s choking my creativity.

I am pondering...that I don’t do enough pondering.

A favorite quote for today...see above.

One of my favorite things...are long holiday weekends with plenty of time to garden and read in the shade.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
1. Write in my journal at least 3 days
2. Finish up to Chapter 2 in Man’s Search for Meaning
3. Bake a gluten-free cherry tart

A peek into my day...document editing and more document editing.  And hopefully a little more reading and writing.

Oremus pro invicem,
~ Mikaela
What’s on your list for this week?

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