30 June 2013

Crossing the Finish Line: Wordle and Blogathon Wrap Up

What so wild as words are?
~ Robert Browning, A Woman's Last Word

arting is such sweet relief!!

30 Days.  30 Posts.  And the ink just continues to flow!  Thank you, Michelle Rafter and my fellow Blogathoners.  Without you chugging along beside me, encouraging and writing every day, I wouldn’t have made it.

All artists would like to think that the words, or the paint, or the dance steps, or the notes, somehow magically appear in the air where we can just grab them and voila!  A beautiful work of art!  But thankfully, that is not how it works.  Why thankfully?  Because our art is born of our lives ~ all the heartbreaks, moments of ecstasy, deep wells of darkness and despair, renewed faith, and healing love.

And that is what makes good art so human.  And so otherworldly.  It captures us and at the same time, transcends us.

This Blogathon taught me that I do have the ability to find something meaningful to write about every day.  And I hope that this postive victory stays with me to light the next dark day that dawns with a blank screen.  There is always something beautiful to see, some increidble moment to share, some healing to pass on.  This is my gift and it's my duty to embrace it and give it.

I look forward to beginning a new adventure and a new challenge tomorrow. [Surprise!]  And although I'll miss the daily posts and interactions, I look forward to continuing to follow some truly beautiful and talented writers from the Blogathon.

Congratulations!  We did it!

Oremus pro invicem,
~ Mikaela
It’s been a wild ride!  What did you learn from your time here?  What has changed about your writing?

1 comment:

Rosanna said...

Congratulations!I'll be on the look out for more posts from you!