02 June 2013

The La Belle Daybook: Week of 2 June

My hour for tea is half-past five, and my buttered toast waits for nobody.
~ Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White

unday. Whether you are religious or not, no one can argue with the necessity of having at least one day out of the week where peace and quiet, rest and rejuvenation can be found.

We live in a world of noise and cacophony, and the human spirit, even those of the most extroverted of us, needs to steal a few moments of silence.  A patch of tranquility where we can take a deep breath, re-focus, and re-center ourselves.

Once we have found that inner equilibrium, and only after we have done so, should we move on to making plans for the upcoming week.  How we reach that inner equilibrium is as varied as our personalities.

For me, making a pot of herbal tea, walking through the orchard, sitting at my writing desk with the window open, taking deep, measured breaths, and writing ~ all add to my inner peace.

Outside my window...a fallen trunk of one of our cherry trees.  My study window looks out over the orchard, which is dire need of a haircut and a trim.  Every day I gather as many ripe cherries as I can.  Once they’re all gone, I’ll chop  the tree, chip it into mulch, and let it mellow until next spring.  Since we don’t use pesticides, I can rest easy knowing my mulch is safe for my plants.

I am thinking...that for all the insanity that is my life right now, I don’t have it as bad some people.  So I should complain less, throw myself into what I can do, and say “To hell!” with everything else.  Now if I could just shut up that nasty inner voice. . .

I am thankful...for quiet Sunday mornings, when the sun is just peeking over the tree tops, and no one else is awake yet, not even the animals.  Just me, God as I know Him, and a pot of sweet tea.  The air just seems cleaner at that time of the day.

In the kitchen...a cutting of mums, and another of azalea and an ever present pot of tea (seeing a pattern here?).  Hopefully the plants root and we can transplant them.

I am wearing...a summery night gown and robe, my indulgence one day of the week.  I’ll get dressed soon. 

I am creating...cards for: a dear friend who lost her husband to cancer, three pen-friends, and two June birthdays.

I am going...dancing tonight ~ my Intermediate Lindy Hop class starts tonight.  I can’t wait to don my swing dress ~ swish, swish!

I am wondering...where the year is going.  June already!?

I am reading…The Nature Principle by Richard Louv.  Louv coined the term, nature deficit disorder in the book Last Child in the Woods, which is about how the modern child is severely cut off from nature.  With my interest in sustainable and organic living, I’m interested to read more.

I am hoping...to spend more time with friends in the next few months.  Three people I was close to died this year and that has hit home how we must cherish the time we have.  Relationships are so important.  And sometimes we don’t realize how much until we can no longer speak to that person.

I am looking forward to...reading more Blogathon blogs.

I am learning…that sometimes, leaving is the best form of love.  Especially when my last nerve has been worked!

Around the house...there are too many magazines.  From 1964.  Seriously?  They are not worth a hoot!  If only I could sneak them out to the trash. . . .

I am pondering...the universe.  Just kidding.  I’ve been on a Star Trek: NG kick lately.  Up to Season 4 now.

A favorite quote for today...see above.

One of my favorite things...are outdoor movies.  Would love to host one myself.

A few plans for the rest of the week:

1. Write in my journal 3 times

2. Finish up to Chapter 2 in Man’s Search for Meaning (yeah, that didn’t happen last week.)

3. Do a 7 day gluten-and-grain-free detox.  Day 1 today!!

A peek into my day...is this a typical day, or right now, today?  Because it’s Sunday ~ time to rest, relax, dance, and mourn the weekend!

Oremus pro invicem,
~ Mikaela

This post is part of The Simple Woman’s Daybook. What have you got planned this week ~ besides writing your little hands off for the Blogathon?

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